Training that makes a difference
We train roasting operators of all skill levels, from brand new staff with no experience, all the way up to master roasters, who wants to hone their craft or train for a competition. Whether you have installed new equipment, changed staff, or just want to upgrade the skill level of your roasting staff we can help you with training seminars, that bring your staff up to speed. We tailor-make each seminar to fit your exact needs and conditions to deliver lasting results and improvements.

Advanced training
We train the trainers in your organisation, so you can constantly improve your staff, and maintain consistency during staff turnover. We help you adjust the level of automatization to your staff’s skill level, ensuring quality and consistency, no matter who is working on the day. We offer SCA AST certification in roasting, green coffee and sensory modules from introduction to professional level.
Michael de Renouard is a Loring Certified Roastmaster, one of only three in the world. He coaches champion roasters and is a taste consultant for leading coffee brands. His master classes and workshops produce tangible results and will change the way you roast.
They are aimed at professional roastmasters of all skill levels, but a basic proficiency of the process is required. They are conducted on Loring roasters, but many of the techniques demonstrated are applicable to other modern roasters.